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潇洒洗完澡 提问者:潇洒洗完澡 181 126 分享
  • 杨洋.Jo'kepler 杨洋.Jo'kepler

    What is the English commentary for Legoland Park?

    The English commentary for Legoland Park is a narration or explanation in the English language that is provided to visitors at the park. It serves as a guide to enhance the understanding and enjoyment of the attractions and features within the park for English-speaking visitors. The commentary may be available through audio guides, signs, brochures, or even live tour guides. It provides information about the various rides, shows, exhibits, and highlights of the park, allowing visitors to fully experience and appreciate the themed attractions. The English commentary helps to bridge the language barrier and ensure that visitors who do not understand the local language can still have a comprehensive understanding of what the park has to offer.

    Q: How can visitors access the English commentary at Legoland Park?

    A: Visitors can access the English commentary at Legoland Park through various means. One option is to rent audio guides, which are usually available for a fee at the park entrance. These devices provide pre-recorded narrations in multiple languages, including English. Visitors can listen to the commentary as they explore the different areas of the park. Additionally, signs and information boards throughout the park often have descriptions and explanations in both the local language and English. Visitors can read the English text to gain a better understanding of the attractions. Furthermore, some park areas may have live tour guides who can provide commentary in English during specific times or as part of guided tours.



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