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Christian MM 提问者:Christian MM 111 75 分享
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    Is it strange to not have background music in English translation?


    In the world of translation, incorporating background music is not a common practice. While some may find it peculiar to not have background music in English translation, there are valid reasons behind this. In this scientific article, we will explore the topic and shed light on why background music is not typically included in English translations.

    Q: Why is background music not commonly used in English translation?

    A: The absence of background music in English translation can be attributed to several factors.

    Firstly, translation aims to convey the original meaning and intent of the source text accurately. Adding background music may interfere with the clarity and understanding of the translated content. The focus should be on the linguistic transfer rather than creating a sensory experience.

    Secondly, background music can introduce bias or alter the emotional tone of the translation. As different individuals may interpret music differently, incorporating it may lead to subjective interpretations that deviate from the author's original intention.

    Thirdly, the absence of background music allows the readers or viewers to concentrate solely on the translated message. It helps minimize distractions and ensures that the primary focus remains on understanding the content accurately.

    Furthermore, without background music, translators can better focus on the linguistic aspects of the translation, such as grammar, syntax, and cultural nuances. This emphasizes the precision and accuracy of the translation, which is essential when conveying complex information.

    In summary, the exclusion of background music in English translation is a deliberate choice to prioritize linguistic accuracy, prevent subjective interpretations, enhance focus, and maintain the integrity of the original message. While it may seem strange to some, it is a common practice that ensures effective communication across language barriers.



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