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winteria 提问者:winteria 56 30 分享
  • lalalavida lalalavida


    The English voice cast for the 1986 version of Journey to the West is a topic of interest among fans. Many people wonder who provided the voices for the iconic characters in this classic Chinese TV series. Let's explore this question further.

    Who provided the English voices for the characters in the 86 version of Journey to the West

    The English voice cast for the 86 version of Journey to the West is not widely known, as the series was primarily broadcast in Chinese-speaking countries. However, it is believed that the English dubbing was done by a team of professionals hired by the production company. Unfortunately, specific information about the voice actors is scarce.

    Were the English voices able to capture the essence of the characters

    It is difficult to determine whether the English voices were able to capture the essence of the characters, as this largely depends on individual interpretations. However, it is worth noting that dubbing a foreign language series requires careful attention to preserve the original traits and emotions of each character. The voice actors in the English version likely aimed to stay true to the spirit of the 86 version of Journey to the West.

    Did the English voices receive recognition or praise

    There is limited information available regarding the recognition or praise received by the English voice actors of the 86 version of Journey to the West. As the series was primarily popular in Chinese-speaking countries, the focus of recognition and praise was mainly on the original Mandarin voice actors and the overall production. It is possible that the English dubbing went unnoticed or didn't receive significant attention.

    Is there a way to watch the 86 version of Journey to the West with English subtitles

    Yes, it is possible to find versions of the 86 version of Journey to the West with English subtitles. These subtitles allow non-Chinese speakers to follow the storyline and enjoy the series. These subtitled versions are often available through various online platforms and can provide a bridge for international viewers to appreciate this classic Chinese TV series.



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