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NOmmmi 提问者:NOmmmi 48 31 分享

    Can computers be used for voiceovers?

    Yes, computers can be used for voiceovers. With the advancement of technology, computer-generated voices have become a popular choice for various applications.

    Q: How is computer-generated voice created?

    A: Computer-generated voice is created using text-to-speech (TTS) technology. This involves converting written text into spoken words using specialized algorithms and synthesis techniques.

    Q: What are the benefits of using computer-generated voices?

    A: Computer-generated voices offer several advantages. Firstly, they provide a cost-effective solution compared to hiring voice actors. Secondly, they allow for quick and easy changes in tone, accent, or language. Thirdly, they eliminate the need for recording studios and lengthy production processes.

    Q: Are computer-generated voices as natural as human voices?

    A: While computer-generated voices have improved significantly, they may still lack the natural nuances and emotions of human voices. However, with advancements in TTS technology, some computer-generated voices can sound very close to real human voices.

    Q: In which industries are computer-generated voices commonly used?

    A: Computer-generated voices are widely used in various industries. They are commonly found in navigation systems, e-learning platforms, audiobooks, video games, and automated customer service systems.

    Q: Can computer-generated voices replace human voice actors entirely?

    A: While computer-generated voices have their uses, they are unlikely to replace human voice actors entirely. Human voices provide an authentic and emotional connection that can be difficult to replicate with technology. However, computer-generated voices continue to evolve and offer a viable alternative in many scenarios.



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